Sunday, October 21, 2007

Hey what's up!

I'm Erik Dudley!

I'm 19 years old and from Brampton, Canada, eh?? I work full time and have the most amazing girlfriend in the world. Even with two of my goals accomplished, I still have one more. I want to be a director. I want to make movies. I want my visions seen by all, whether my own or based on existing concepts. Fan films I guess you can say? I have started and hope to go somewhere some day. Everyone has to start somewhere and I am starting now.

I plan to use this blog to update people who are interested in my work on projects and their status.
I am currently in the process of planning a Resident Evil fan film. It will take place a bit after the events of the first Video Game. It's going to be a short film, maybe around 40 minutes. We are getting supplies, costumes and props this weekend and doing some screen tests. I will keep you posted on what's going on! Expect some pictures soon.

Hope you guys will like my stuff!
