Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Long Time, No Post!

So everything is starting all over again. Due to renovations of the house, the weather I have decided to re-write the script and begin filming all over again once the snow melts. I want something fresh. I am already well on my way. I just need the support of my friends and family.

A few fans wouldn't hurt either! haha

- Erik

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I Don't Know..

I am thinking about changing the concept of my movie. What I do know is I am keeping the original story and pretty much EVERYTHING in it but not make it a Resident Evil movie. I might just make it a zombie movie. I don't want to get busted with copyright fine.

Let me know what you think!

E-mail me at the_duddler@hotmail.com

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Teaser Trailer Is Here!!!


I hope you guys like it! I know there isn't much, but it's something! I wanted to deliver a Teaser trailer soon so I could build up some anticipation. I wanted to leave everyone begging for more.

Thanks for all the support guys!

Friday, November 23, 2007


The teaser trailer should be up by Sunday, IF not then definitely on monday. I have some kinks to work out on it and get it to look awesome. Sound effects are just killing me right now because I can't find any good ones I want to use. I used to have a whole slew of sound effects straight from the Resident Evil games but I can't seem to find them anymore.

Well anyways, tune in on Sunday!

Also, I have a Facebook group set up so you can check it out. It's called "Resident Evil: Inception"

I appreciate all the support I have gotten already, a big thank you to those who keep me motivated. Especialy my girlfriend Steph, who is always there to keep me going.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

It's SO Awesome

People are excited for my movie. That is such a good feeling. People are INTERESTED in something I am putting my time and effort into and I plan NOT to disappoint!

I need to make a teaser trailer....

Sunday, November 18, 2007

New Plan


Since filming was a disaster on the 10th, I have decided not to take a break.. but postpone filming and work my butt off with the planning. I went in blind. Yes, I had a script and all the make up and an amazing effects artist, but it wasn't enough.

I need to start making story boards, work on the finer details of the script, confirm things with the cast, confirm the extras.

That is probably the biggest stress I face when working on this movie. Getting all the actors together is such a pain. That's why I retired What Were We Thinking. It was just way to hard getting everyone together and I could never film because everyone lived in different places. At least with this movie everyone is pretty much local and it's somewhat easy to get people together, it's just hard making sure they get here because things do come up.

I am planning to have all the in door filming done by the end of January and outdoor stuff will be hopefully done by March. I am aiming for an April, May release of the movie.

I think some people don't know how serious I am about this.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Screen Caps

I am happy some of the shots so I decided to share the first ever screen captures of the movie.
