Sunday, November 18, 2007

New Plan


Since filming was a disaster on the 10th, I have decided not to take a break.. but postpone filming and work my butt off with the planning. I went in blind. Yes, I had a script and all the make up and an amazing effects artist, but it wasn't enough.

I need to start making story boards, work on the finer details of the script, confirm things with the cast, confirm the extras.

That is probably the biggest stress I face when working on this movie. Getting all the actors together is such a pain. That's why I retired What Were We Thinking. It was just way to hard getting everyone together and I could never film because everyone lived in different places. At least with this movie everyone is pretty much local and it's somewhat easy to get people together, it's just hard making sure they get here because things do come up.

I am planning to have all the in door filming done by the end of January and outdoor stuff will be hopefully done by March. I am aiming for an April, May release of the movie.

I think some people don't know how serious I am about this.

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